Change Your Number of Strength Training Sessions Per Week

How often do you hit the gym?

  1. Tap “More” in the bottom right corner of your screen

  2. Under the section titled “General,” tap “Profile”

  3. On the Profile page, scroll to the “Dynamic Data” section and tap “Exercise”

  4. Make your selection

  5. Make sure to tap the checkmark at the top of the page when you’re done to save

For now, changing your selection for the number of exercise sessions per week doesn’t have any material impact on your program. However, we suspect we may glean interesting insights from that data in the future, which can be used to further improve program recommendations. Your expenditure and program targets are calculated on an ongoing basis, using your weight and nutrition data. So, you don’t need to edit this page for your program changes to reflect changes in your actual exercise habits. Realistically, you don’t ever need to edit this page, but you certainly can edit it if doing so will make you a little bit happier.

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