Save a Meal For Later Use

For when you want to save a meal that you regularly consume, so that you can easily log it later.

In MacroFactor, a recipe is technically just a bundle of items that are consumed at the same time. This means that it is also possible to use the recipe feature to easily save entire meals for later reuse:

  1. From your food timeline, tap on every food you’d like to include in your recipe. You can select all of the foods within a single hour by tapping on the hour itself.

  2. Scroll to the right in the menu on the bottom of the screen, and tap “Create recipe.”

  3. Make any adjustments to your recipe, give it a name, and specify the number of servings.

  4. “Save” or “save and log” the new recipe.

In the future, you can then use this created recipe to log an entire meal or bundle of items quickly.

What if you don’t eat the exact same portions as previously? For example, maybe you eat the same egg and coffee breakfast every day, but today you skipped the coffee or ate one more egg than usual.

In this case, you can use the "Explode" feature to log the recipe/meal while allowing you to adjust the portions of individual entries:

If your food logger is optimized for speed:

  1. Dashboard > Recipes > Search for the item

  2. Tap on the item

  3. Tap on "Explode" (located near the top of the food viewer)

  4. Adjust portion sizes as desired

  5. Tap on "Log Foods"

If your food logger is optimized for context:

  1. Dashboard > Recipes > Search for the item

  2. Tap on the item

  3. Tap on "Explode" (located just under the entry tile on the plate)

  4. Adjust portion sizes as desired

  5. Tap on "Log Foods"

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