How to Show or Hide Empty Hours

Minimize scrolling by hiding hours with no foods logged to them

If you prefer a more condensed food timeline with less space between the foods and meals you’ve logged, you may prefer to hide the empty hours on your food timeline. After hiding the empty hours, you can reveal them again at any time in order to access hour-level actions (like logging to a specific hour, copy-and-pasting to a specific hour, or moving a food to a specific hour) or just go back to a more spacious timeline view.

For all users, you can show or hide empty hours by:

  1. Tapping the menu on the top left of the food log screen (three horizontal lines)

  2. Tapping “Hide (or Show) Empty Hours”

Food timeline with empty hours shown

Food timeline with empty hours hidden

If you regularly want to toggle between showing and hiding empty hours, you can configure your food timeline to always display a Show/Hide Empty Hours shortcut in the top right corner of your food log. The other option for that shortcut is Collapse/Expand Hours with Foods.

To enable the Show/Hide Empty Hours shortcut:

  1. Go to the “More” menu on the bottom right corner of the screen

  2. Scroll down to “Feature Settings,” and tap “Food Timeline”

  3. Scroll down to “Top Right Shortcut” and select “Show/Hide Empty Hours”

With this shortcut enabled, you can show or hide empty hours on your food timeline at any time with a single action. Just tap the Show/Hide Empty Hours shortcut icon on the top right of your food log.

With the Show/Hide Empty Hours shortcut enabled, this button will persist at the top of your food log

Read next:

Now that you’ve learned how to show or hide empty hours, you might enjoy one of these articles next:

How to Configure Your Food Timeline

How to Configure Your Food Logger

How to Collapse or Expand Hours with Foods

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