Edit or Delete Past Weight Entries

How to remove prior weight data

You can edit or delete past weight entries two different ways.

Option 1:

  1. On the main dashboard of the app, tap the “Scale Weight” panel at the bottom left of the page.

  2. In the dated weight log near the bottom of the page, tap the pencil icon beside the entry you’d like to edit or remove.

  3. Make edits and tap the checkmark to save, or – if you’d like to remove the entry entirely – tap the trash can icon.

Option 2:

  1. On the main dashboard, tap the “Data & Habits” widget

  2. Make sure you’re in the “All” or “Weight” view

  3. Tap the day you’d like to edit

  4. Make edits and tap the checkmark to save, or – if you’d like to remove the entry entirely – tap the trash can icon

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