Coaching Module: Weigh-In

An overview of the Weigh-In Coaching Module

The Weigh-In Coaching Module provides insight into your most recent weigh-in and asks if you would like to make a new weight entry, if relevant, before the MF Coach provides updated calorie and macro recommendations.

You will encounter this module if you do not have a weight entry for the last three days plus the current day. The module will then ask if you’d like to log your weight, so that the algorithm can have the most up-to-date information before recommending program updates.

Read next:

Now that you understand a weigh-in via the coaching modules, you might enjoy one of these articles next:

How Frequently do I Need to Log my Weight For the Expenditure Algorithm and Weekly Coaching Updates?

Edit or Delete Past Weight Entries

Should I Still Log My Weight if I Feel Like I'm Bloated, Constipated, or Retaining Water?

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