Plate Banner Builder

How to customize the plate banner and why

How Do I Customize the Banner?

There’s two ways to get to the customization page, which is known as the “Plate Banner Builder”.

  1. Tap the banner at the top of the food logging interface, then tap the settings cog.

  2. Navigate to the “Plate Banner Builder” in settings by following this route: More > Food Logger > Go to Plate Banner Builder

The result of changing any of the configuration options on this page will immediately be reflected in the preview at the top of the page.

Calories and Macros Remaining

If you’d like to see the nutrient totals remaining from your current day, rather than the nutrient totals of the foods in the meal you’re logging, you’ll want to change the “Nutrition Display” setting to “Show Remaining After Plate”.

Configuration Ideas

The builder is very flexible, so it may not be immediately obvious as to what configuration will work best for you.

The Default

This creatively named option is what everyone starts out with.

  • Utilities: All Enabled

  • Plate Contents: Option 1

  • Nutrients: Only Calories Enabled

  • Nutrient Style: Oval

  • Nutrition Display: “Show Plate Nutrition Only”

  • Log Foods Button Placement: “Thumb Reach Optimized”

The Protein Champion

Some say it’s the King of all macronutrients, they’ve never met Water.

  • Utilities: All Enabled

  • Plate Contents: Option 2, 3, or 4 

  • Nutrients: Only Calories and Protein Enabled

  • Nutrient Style: Oval

  • Nutrition Display: “Show Plate Nutrition Only”

  • Log Foods Button Placement: “Thumb Reach Optimized”

The Phone So Narrow

Best for people whose phones aren’t so wide, and that’s OK!

This is less so a configuration, and more so an optimization that can be made to any configuration. Play with the plate contents options to get an aesthetic™ filler that suits your configuration. If you’re on “The Default” configuration, try option 2 or 3!

The Lasting Legacy

For those who are used to older versions of MacroFactor

  • Utilities: Only Date & Time Picker Enabled

  • Plate Contents: Option 1

  • Nutrients: All Enabled

  • Nutrient Style: Stack

  • Nutrition Display: Any Option

  • Log Foods Button Placement: “Plate Top Banner”

The Wild One

Hey, don’t do this. We beg you, seriously, do not.

  • Utilities: All Disabled

  • Plate Contents: Option 1

  • Nutrients: Only Carbs Enabled

  • Nutrient Style: Stack

  • Nutrition Display: “Show All Day & Plate Nutrition”

  • Log Foods Button Placement: “Plate Top Banner”

The Tabula Rasa

Depending on your personality this is either a Zen option, or feeding something inside that wants… to destroy… to dismantle piece by piece.

Disable everything and you can reclaim the vertical screen real estate!

Read next:

Now that you’ve learned how to use the plate banner builder, you might enjoy one of these articles next:

How to Configure Your Food Logger

How to Configure Your Food Timeline

Configure Micronutrients that will be Displayed in the Nutrient Explorer

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