Set a New Goal

How to create a new weight gain, weight loss, or maintenance goal in MacroFactor

  1. Tap “Strategy” in the main menu on the bottom of the screen.

  1. Tap the “New Goal” button. You can find it in the row of buttons directly below the “Strategy” header, and also a bit further down the screen in the widget summarizing your current goal.

  1. Choose whether you want to lose, maintain, or gain weight.

  1. Select your target weight and rate of weight change (if you selected a goal of gaining or losing weight) by sliding the meter in the direction according to your goal. Ideally, you want to stay within the green range.

  1. Review goal summary and ensure everything is correct. When satisfied, hit done! Your new goal is created.


After you set a new goal, you may want to create a new program to reflect your new goal. Otherwise, your program will align with your new goal following your next check-in (if you’re on a coached or collaborative program).

Read next:

Now that you’ve learned how to set a new goal, you might enjoy one of these articles next:

Edit a Goal

Delete a Prior Goal

Program Styles

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