You can visualize your micronutrient intake and compare it to your recommended daily goal range by using the Nutrient Explorer.
Scroll down to the Nutrient Explorer on your Dashboard and tap Explore All.
You will see all micronutrients that you had enabled during the Nutrient Explorer Setup. Tap on the micronutrient that you’d like to inspect further.
The nutrient you select will be brought into focus. You will see its intake over time along with the target for this nutrient and a goal range, where applicable. From here, you can zoom, pan, and use the chart tooltip to inspect the data further. You can also scroll down on this page to view past data tiles and foods that have contributed to the nutrient intake for today.
You can access the full micronutrient menu by tapping on the icon in the top right corner of the chart. From here, you can choose a different nutrient to bring into focus.